Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Y 11:52 PM
Our six hours on Tuesday 13th March 2007, was spent in a bus all the way to A’Famosa, Malacca. As soon as the ten Sec 2s and twelve Sec 3s gathered together with our two OCs, Mr Chng Eng Peng and Mr Terence Leong, we boarded the bus and began our ride to Malacca. We were loaded with many gadgets like food, MP3s, handphones and poker cards and entertained ourselves easily.
Lunch was held at KFC and the food there was very different.they had bigger pieces of chickens, different set of meals and had cheesy wedges instead of cheesy fries. Furthermore, the food is so much cheaper!
Finally reaching A’Famosa at 1430 hrs, we went our separate ways in a Banana Truck to Villa D’Faro, where Sec 3s occupied bungalow 802 with Mr Leong and bungalow 800 for Sec 2s with Mr Chng. The ride in the Banana Truck was so fast aand there was no doors but chains at the side. But the Banana Truck however never looked like a banana, just a truck. We were given an hour rest at our respective bungalows and explore whatever was in the bungalow.
Each bungalow had a mini swimming pool parked outside like a Jacuzzi, four rooms one living hall, two toilets connected to two rooms and one small kitchen with not much appliances in it. We just didn’t get why the ceiling was made to be so high up. Located in each room wad also air conditioners and television sets for some rooms. We rested, bathed, enjoyed the comfort of the television sets and then headed for Cowboy Town at 1530hrs.
What other better mode of transport than the Banana Truck. It took us to Cowboy Town located quite far away from our bungalows in about ten to fifteen minutes only. Right outside stands a huge bronze statue of a cowgirl in a seductive pose another statue of a cowboy on a horse at the entrance. Where else to start our fun than at the bowling alley!
We were given two free games and teamed up in groups of four. The first round was like a test drive and the second a mini competition. Who won? I forgot. The funniest part of the whole game was that a bird was leaving in the alley and flew around the place once we started to play. I do remember that Mr Chng played fairly well so as Vikneshwaran, Helmi and Mr Leong. Obviously there were a lot of lucky strikes by most of us and havoc fun was entirely present in there. We played for a good two hours before leaving for dinner at Huang di Restaurant, a Chinese restaurant but halal.
We were served with Chinese tea, seafood soup, and various kinds of side dishes like sweet and sour fish and spicy chicken. The dinner ended quick and another two hours was given to us to roam around the area only.
A few of my friends and I had a lust for bowling and went to enjoy it some more. We played so much that we missed the Red Indian Show at experienced pain on our poor fingers. We slowly rushed our way to the Carnival Street, going in and out of the Shopping Village and were in time for the carnival. There was a parade of animals, cowboys, red Indians and dancers. The carnival ended off with a big bang of beautiful fireworks. It had an array of colours and patterns and will be your downfall if you came to Cowboy Town without witnessing the fireworks.
The first day there ended just like that and we headed back to our bungalows in the none other fast moving Banana Truck. The rest of the night was spent in our own rooms.
The early took off with a trip to the Clubhouse for a buffet breakfast. Since it was a buffet, we took a few refills and headed to our next destination to Animal World.
Again we had two hours for free roaming. We went for a tour around an enclosed part of the zoo in a ‘caged’ truck. Another downfall if you miss this tour too. We were filled up with excitement as animals were seen every few meters we go by. Not to forget animal dung was around too and one of them looked like grapes. Obviously there was a lot of filming and the coolest animals were the sun bear cubs and lions/tigers. The cubs easily attracted us tourists with their cute actions like sitting up showing their white patch on their chests and begging for food which then led to the stealing of stealing their own siblings share of food. The ride ended with a ‘roller coaster’ ride where there was a steep slope going down and a boulder in the middle of the track at the bottom of the slope.
We then went straight for the elephant show after alighting from the ride. The elephants proudly welcomed us to their show by putting one of their front legs over the other. Entertainment was next. They showed us what they were capable of with their acts. There was soccer, basketball, painting and massaging two of the audiences. The audiences also started to give them treats, bamboo sticks. They accepted it with proud and gulp them down like nothing. They were also given money, but they grabbed it with their trunks and passed it to their tamers sitting on top of them.
Other places that we ventured to in the zoo were the Chicken Farm (where different types of chickens were present), Monkey Island (where at small bumboat transported us to a small island filled up with species of monkeys) and zoo walkthrough.
Noon marked our end at the A’Famosa Resort and we headed out to Giant for a short shopping trip. The rest was accompanied by sleeping to our way back to our island homeland, Singapore.
I have to say that the trip was really fun and enjoyable and I did not regret coming to this trip at all with my friends and teachers.
Daud the idiot. =D
Y 1:25 PM
This year had been a very exciting and interesting year. It was indeed a year marked with many challenges. Many activities were held this year.
As usual, the highlight of this year for the secondary two cadets was the annually held ATC (adventure training camp) at Pulua Ubin. It was held during the September holidays. Many fun activities were carried out. The activities comprised of kayaking, Ubin familiarisation and low rope elements. One of the activities in the low rope elements includes the rock climbing. I was constantly urged to attempt the next obstacle to reach the top. To conclude, I really had a wonderful time and nevertheless, it was a time whereby we built up our self-confident while having lots of fun.
During the November holidays, the sec 2 cadets attended two courses, the SANA (Singapore anti-narcotic association) course and the CD (civil defence) course. The 2 courses were very meaningful as we gained many useful knowledge and we may even apply it in our daily life. Below are some of the pictures taken during CD course:

(a little problem with the pics for now)
Some of the other activities that had been held earlier this year include the Road Marshall Duty, visit to police heritage centre, the visit to Queenstown multi-service centre, service day, the Dry shoot at HTA (Home Team Academy) and our 2 cohesion camps.
Right from the start still the end of the year, everyone in NPCC had lived harmoniously, making NPCC a wonderful CCA and indeed a united team where the squad was well bond, working hard and striving for the best.
A special thanks to all the cadets and all my dearest and marvellous seniors, cadet inspectors (Cyril and Jason), officers and ma’am for all their hard work and efforts. I must say that their effort had pay off in one way or another.
All in all, I am proud to be part of Queensway NPCC unit. Cheers and …all the way!!!
Shee Mei Ling, 14th November 2007(:
Monday, November 12, 2007 Y 4:00 PM
On 1st November 2001, the secondary 2 npcc cadets & Ms Carolyn Leow went to Queensway HQ for our Civil Defence Course. I learnt about 1st aid, fire safety, peace time emergencies, terrorism and war time emergencies. The instructors there taught us what to do during such circumstances like during a fire.
Hands on activities like bandaging your peers' heads and using a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire were held. Cardo-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR for short, what to do when one is choking, treating burns and scalds, different ways of transporting casualties without the use of stretchers - human crutch, fireman's lift, pick-a-back & cradle methods. to escape a fire, I learnt that one must keep low by crawling on one's hands and knees if one is trapped in a fire.
All these things taught were beneficial, especially when accidents happen. Through this course, I realised how fragile life can be.
Kimberly Lim
Y 3:48 PM
On 1 November 2007, we secondary 2 npcc cadets went to attend Civil Defense course. The Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) is a uniformed organization under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs. They are an organization whose main role is to provide fire fighting, rescue and emergency ambulance services; as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil defense shelter matters.
First, we learn about first aids. We learnt how to stop a person from keep bleeding by applying direct pressure. We also learnt how to bandage casualty. Such as bandaging a 90 degree and 45 degree arm bandage and bandage a casualty if he had injured his head. We also learnt how to treat burns and scalds by placing the burnt area under cold running water or immersing it in cold water for at least 10 minutes and gently remove any rings, watches, belts or constricting clothing from the injured area before it starts to swell.
Secondly, we went to another room to learn about Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). First we assess the victim’s condition - shake him gently and ask if he is all right. If he did not reply, call an ambulance. Open his airway by tilting his head back and lifting the chin upwards. If we see foreign objects in his mouth or throat, remove them. Check the casualty whether he is breathing. If he is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation. Feel the pulse of the casualty at the carotid (neck area) for up to 10 seconds. If there is a pulse, perform mouth-to- mouth ventilation at the rate of 12 times per minute, until natural breathing is restored. If not, immediately begin chest compression.
How do we perform chest compression? First, we centre the heel of one hand at the lower half of the breast bone, keeping our fingers off the ribs. Cover his hand with the heel of our other hand. Keep our arms straight and push down vertically about 4 to 5 cm and then release. We have to complete 5 cycles comprising of 30 compressions & 2 full ventilations in each cycle. Between compressions, we do not lift our hands off the chest. Repeat pulse check after the 2 minute and every 5 minutes thereafter. The moment his pulse returns, immediately stop compressions and check for breathing. If victim is not breathing, perform rescue breathing at 12 times per minute (1 breath every 5 seconds) until victim’s natural breathing is restored. If both pulse and breathing have returned, place victim in the recovery position and maintain an open airway.
After learning about CPR, we had our lunch in the canteen. After lunch, we also tried to put out fire by using fire extinguisher.
After that, went back to classroom and had a lesson about emergency exercise. We had a test after the lesson. The course ended after a short briefing. We all enjoy the course.
Tan Si En 11/11/2007,
Y 3:45 PM
Y 3:41 PM

Xinying yelled at me in Msn. -.- " SOHHAN, I SHOW YOU SOMETHING! " Then, I received this two photographs. " Photoshop lah, do nicely. Post it! " Ahha, I have evidence that I didnt post it on my own accord. Credits to Xinying & the ones who took the photographs, thankyou. Both Hermes & Xinying wanted me to post this. Please do not blame me, I had no choice. The photo of Jason Sir was too hilarious, I couldnt help but to bring it up here. Just for laughs, people. Dont take it too seriously, hahah. If Cyril Sir or Jason Sir doesnt like it, I will take it away. But meanwhile, please enjoy & laugh your **** out.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Y 3:14 PM

Lovely CIs, Lol!Johnsten's at the second row,third from the left. Muahaha!Cyril Sir & Jason Sir were present too. :)All CIs were in their red pyjamas. HAHAH
Y 3:07 PM
Last Cohesion Camp 2006.

Wednesday, 15th November 2006.
Y 2:57 PM

During the first training, our CI called out five individual names,Daud and YunKeat (Corporals), together with Syahidah, Sakinah and Audrey, all sergeants. We were going to be the next flag bearers in the GOH contingent for 2006 National Day Parade.Having been in some of my school parades and also witnessing the parades myself, I admit that each parade is always the same.
It has always been the same routine over and over again, and thus I was overcome with excitement when I learnt that my role would be different. However, the trainings were so much tougher than what I had expected.Obviously, we were all happy that we were in this together. We even got extra, separated trainings from the rest of the Guard of Honour. But we did not mind at all, we enjoyed the trainings instead.
Our CIs told us to try our best to keep the flag straight.The most important thing we were taught was to just be serious and not to drop the flag.When the actual day came, I saw for myself the humongous crowd witnessing the parade. I was so nervous, but when the band played the song, I just marched in naturally. There were some mistakes, but overall we were satisfied with out performance. That overwhelming sense of achievement was like no other.
Written by: Daud
Edited by: Hermes
Thursday, 9th November 2006
Y 2:55 PM
The greatest parade I ever experienced- SYF 2006. April was one of its first few trainings. When we arrived at the Home Team Academy, there were cadets from different units falling into their respective contingents. I will never forget this scene, as it inspired me to be involved in every single activity.Next, all the cadets had to squeeze into the drill shed, which was much smaller than our school’s football field. We were then separated into various squads, and CIs were assigned to every contingent. Basic drills were conducted to select cadets who were about to form up as the Guard of Honor.
I was one of the cadets chosen, and I felt honoured.Although I knew that the trainings would be extremely tough, but I was prepared to do my very best.All the cadets from the GOH contingent received a rifle each. I felt a greater sense of responsibility- the rifle, the number one uniform, the dills, and… the honour. We had to do drills with it, and because it was the first time for most of us, the CIs were not pleased with our performance. Under these situations, we were always lost and disappointed with ourselves. However, other squad mates came over and rendered us assistance. This acted as an aiding force for me to carry on.
Trainings after trainings, we endured the intense sunlight and long hours of drills. There were times when I really wanted to give up, but the support and encouragement I received made me strong again.On the actually day, all of us- including the officers, were nervous and afraid that all our efforts put in the trainings might go down the drain if we make any careless mistakes."Do your best, cadets. I'm sure you will be fine."This sentence, which was said by our contingent's CI, boosted our low morale. In the end, we succeeded.
Through these hardships, I gained new friends and experiences. We've done ourselves proud- together as one.
Written by: MeiLien
Edited by: Sohhan
Thursday, 9th November 2006
Y 2:53 PM
On the 19th-21st of June, our school, together with Nanyang Girls High, St Joseph's Institution, Anglo-Chinese School(Barker), Ghim Moh Secondary School, St Margaret's Secondary School and Hwa Chong Institution had our annual Area15 ATC(Adventure Training Camp) for the Sec2s and Sec3s.As soon as we reached Bahru campsite (sec2s), we were randomly separated into 8 groups T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K, each group with a mixed number of cadets from the various schools. We then had our icebreaker games within our groups and got to know our group-mates better. Immediately after, groups Titans, Eagles, Absolute Ace and Majestic went for kayaking while groups Wonderful Wings, Oreos, Revolution and Knights were doing the tent pitching and campsite familiarization which, by the way, Group Revolution (MY group) completed the fastest and when we were finished, roles were switched.
Camp Familiarization was fun, it was basically running around the Bahru and Noordin Campsites, trying to "save our lives from the evil witch and getting the treasure" (Right...). We had to piece puzzle pieces together to form as maps and get clues to the password. The group, which got the password first, was supposed to get the "treasure" which the CIs made no mention of when Revolution completed the race (Hmmm...). Kayaking was cool too, first time for many. We had our wash-ups, dinner and designed our group flags.Later then, we had our mock campfire. The whole canteen of us singing together at the same time and learning new cheers, plus it was really entertaining listening to our highly respected CIs sing out of tune. Then it was lights off, and sentry duty started for Groups- Titans, Eagles, Absolute Ace and Majestic.Day 2 started with PT (Bleh.), but a must in NPCC camps. After, the rain did not prevent the CI committee etc. from giving us a fun, memorable "ATF". We went through, a dark maze and had to feel our way out of it. It was not just dark, but pitch black, which gave everyone, especially the girls, some time to bond and learn how to work together and trust each other.
After everyone had tried going through the maze, two girls and two boys went through it again, this time, competitively. And we managed to complete it faster than the two boys did, even though Shi Wei Sir was throwing muddy balls at us in the darkness the whole time. (And I got so scared thinking it was the work of "something" else.)We were supposed to rock-climbing but the rain did not just obediently stop after the maze; still, we got to wear a harness and climb down a few steps down from the canteen which was just as cool. Ubin Familiarization was really fun; it was extremely tiring, but at the end of the 2 hour walk, you would really feel like it was a big achievement you managed to walk that distance without cracking. During, we even saw a cute wild boar and our Miss Leow (TO Carolyn) made us practise hornet drill on the muddy trail (So evil...). The mud was really cooling though, I have to admit. The soreness of our leg muscles helped us sleep that night too.
Next, we had our war games where we were separated into four clans- The Shi Clan, Wei Clan, Xiao Clan and Wen Clan. No one really won or lost but everyone was definitely unsparingly wet.Then came the highlight of the camp- the combined campfire (sec2s and sec3s), and it was the highlight of the camp indeed. Cheers and group performances, by both the sec2s and 3s, and not to forget dancing. We also got to sabotage our very own Cyril Sir into performing the romantic classic "I Ask My Love" with Kumar Sir and he left the center stage with a sweet kiss. We ended the campfire with a "Goodnight Campers" and a soft "whoosh" and retired into our own campsites.
After Area Cleaning during Day3, we got to meet up with our beloved Sec3 seniors again for our closing ceremony at Noordin. We then hiked back to Ubin Jetty and took a bumboat ride back to Singapore. ATC was extremely tiring but still we felt so attached to Ubin. When I was finally home on my bed looking at my insect bites and pruney, wrinkly feet (soaked shoes), I could not help but reminisce and wish I were still in Ubin even though itwas a "little" tough.
Written by: Hermes Lu
Thursday, 9th November 2006
Y 2:14 PM

Our schoolmates would occasionally question us about our decisions in joining NPCC and the reason for not choosing other uniformed groups. Somehow, deep in our hearts, we have the answer. We are compassionate as we dream of being police officers one day. We consider NPCC as a fun, loving and caring 'family'. NPCC organizes a wide range of activities, eg. Campcraft, first aid, field cooking and not forgetting- drills.
Of course, we can apply what we have learnt so far in NPCC to our everyday lives. For example, if we ever get bites and stings, we can use what we have learnt in first aid to carefully treat our injuries. But we also have other purposes going through these activities. We have heard many stories about how our seniors survived the ATC(Adventure Training Camp), thanks to the familiarization of the activities they faced. Hence, we must be prepared for it too. One more activity that was commonly held was the NPCC school camps. These camps taught us to be more co-operative with our squadmates, build up our level of initiative and to strengthen our relationship and trust for one another.
NPCC is a disciplined CCA that encourages us to be initiative, responsible, disciplined and also caring. All in all, we will never regret having to join NPCC in the first place, feeling happy instead. We found new friends and sort of changed ourselves into better beings. Through the seriousness and tough at times, we find it extremely beneficial. Our officers and seniors never hesitate to let us show our potential and to give our best shot. We hope that we will be able to give the best to our very own- NPCC 'family'.
Written by: Kimberly Lim & Shee Mei Ling
Edited by : Daud Thursday, Nov 9th 2006