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Saturday, October 25, 2008 Y 10:32 PM

The next 6 consecutive blog posts are to be sent to the Blog Competition. The theme for all the 6 posts is "Life in NPCC". Enjoy reading =D

Y 10:10 PM

Done By:Goh Hong Wei

Y 10:20 AM

This blog post is about my life in National Police Cadet Corps. It is basically describing my thoughts and feelings about the events/activites and views of NPCC.

Sec One
It is in the year AD 2006 that I officially joined NPCC. It was one of the major turning point of my life, as NPCC has a huge impact on my life. On the first training, I was surprised to see 2 acquantances of mine in NPCC as my Sirs. They were Daniel (my friend's brother) and Kelvin(my brother's friend).
When I was in sec one, I was introduce even more deeply into the term "teamwork". Although in Primary School we were taught "teamwork", but it was only in Secondary School( specifically NPCC) that I truely learnt about it. Teamwork is VERY VERY important in every aspects of life, be it camps or jobs. It was through camps and trainings that the meaning of "teamwork" was taught.
There was a cohesion camp in Sec one which I really really enjoyed a lot. I remembered that my group name was "P24", with the P meaning punctuality and 24 meaning 24 hours, further signifying the importance of punctuality. It was one of the most creative camps that I ever attended. The camp coordinators used marbles to count points(which was rather creative) , and the activities were really fun. It played a huge impact in my sec one NPCC life , because I really learnt a lot from my seniors and about teamwork.

Sec two
Sec 2 saw another huge impact in my secondary school life, be it in class or in NPCC. I attended many activites and courses held by NPCC, such as overseas trip, Adventure Training Camp and many "whole day courses" such as CD and sana.
Overseas trip-
Being in sec 2 with good attendance has allowed me to go overseas with my squadmates,seniors and Sirs. We went A'Farmosa, but not the historical side of it. It was my first time going overseas with my friends and teachers, and I was really excited about it. We went to the "more fun" part of A'Farmosa, which includes the cowboy town and some other places. I remember that we stayed overnight in a villa, and that villa was HUGE(though I didn't stay or go into a villa before). We had much fun from the overseas trip, and is still deep in my memories.
Adventure Training Camp-
Whoa this is the longest camp that I ever attended. 3 days 2 nights, almost like a tour trip, just that it was less enjoyable. Teamwork was emphasized even more in this camp, as many of the activites were impossible to finish without teamwork. It was through this camp that I had my first experience of kayaking. I heard my brother saying that "kayaking sibei(which means "is very") fun. Don't worry, ATC confirm have one", and it was true. However,some parts of the ATC was quite boring. We kept getting scolded by the Sirs. ATC is both fun and boring in certain aspects.
"Whole day courses"
One example of the whole day course was the Civil Defence Course ( CD for short). It was the first time that I ever been to a fire station(sounds like a station on fire to me) and also the many "firsts" in my life. It was quite enjoyable, mostly because of the "many first in my life". Luckily, I found a group photo taken by my madam. It is the one shown below( though the quality is kind of lousy). Try spotting me XD

We learnt how to do Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR for short) through this course. It is a set of actions which can save someone's life in times of needs. However, 1 wrong action and the victim might die(or so I think). There are many steps, and might break the rules of this competition, so I shall not go into further details. Through this CD course, I learnt many important but sort of simple skills which can be applied in normal daily lives (in times of needs, of course).
In sec 2, I also have the chance to hold a 0.22 revolver, and seriously, the feeling was damn good. I always seen in TV dramas how the police shoot the targets with it and it was like "whoa, so accurate". In the end, I totally sucked at it. Many of the bullets flew to don't know where, and seriously, the feeling wasn't really good, being the few who failed the live shooting. But, I couldn't be bothered with it and that feeling was gone after a few hours( YES, a few hours).
There are a lot events in sec 2 but I couldn't recall it, my bad.

Sec 3
One of the most "colourful" part of my life in NPCC until now was when I was in sec 3. The reason is known by many of my squadmates, and most probably the Sirs and OC of my school's NPCC unit.
Campcraft competition-
This is the only competition that really brought out the teamspirit and many other aspects that was lying dominant in me and many of my squadmate's and senior's heart. Teamwork was shown in many of the campcraft trainings and the feeling is quite nice. I never knew that one competition could bring out the teamspirit in many. Even my madam said that she really saw huge teamspirit within the campcraft team and she was proud of it. Even though the results of the competition is lousy, but it was the process which I really enjoyed and the lessons learnt had really taught me a lot, be it in NPCC or in other things.
0.22 Live Shooting-
Again, I really suck at this shooting, scoring as low as a single-digit mark.
Overseas trip (to A'Farmosa again) -
All the places that I went in this overseas trip was the same as last year, just that we are staying overnight in a condotel (condominium+hotel=condotel, and yes its the real name). It was a nice experience, but kind of spooky. The sounds made by the wind blowing against the glass door was rather freaky, and it was made in the wee hours of the night. It resembles the sounds made by a ghost. However,this trip was still fun.
Whole day courses-
Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course(LMSC for short)-
One of the most tiring course that I ever been, but was considered lucky due to some communication error( I'm not critisizing anyone). Other schools need to wear Full NPCC uniform, but we only need to wear PT kit, which is more comfortable.
I learnt many leadership and mentoring skills from this course, and it WILL be helpful in my future career life. This course is very important from the way I see it.

This is more or less a detailed summary of my NPCC life, and to be frank, I feel rather honoured and lucky to be able to join NPCC as my CCA for my Secondary School.

Done By: Chia WenCong

Y 10:04 AM

This blog post is about my life in National Police Cadet Corps. It is basically describing my thoughts and feelings about the events/activities and views of NPCC.

At first when I just enrolled into sec1,I had a serious problem finding a CCA as i am not decisive enough.I always feel tat I may regret to join certain CCA... As I've got few friends quitting their CCA....At first,my father have a long talk with the NPCC OC in queensway secondary regarding abt this particular CCA......so its rather confirmed that I will join this CCA...Since I'm not decisive enough I will let my father choose for me...But somehow I did not put this CCA as my choice when I went to the computer lab to field in the form of enrolment to a CCA .So NPCC is not my CCA in the first place..
I seriously don't understand if its fated or what....I remember its a friday. Instead of going home my friend wanted me to wait for him till his CCA end and go home together,while I was sitting with them at the bus bay, a tall guy probably from upper sec approached and ask if it was all of us here are the new batch of sec 1 and joining NPCC.All my friends said yes except me as I said no......at first tat guy thought that I was joking with him,fooling around,and he shouted stop playing its not funny....then my frends added that I was really not a NPCC cadets....So when they fall in the sir ask me whether I am keen or not to join this CCA..I felt that since all my friends joined so I should join also since my father also wanted me to join this CCA.I said I am keen to join.So ended up I joined NPCC...........................~~~Fates~~~

So in the year 2006 I officially joined NPCC. It was one of the major turning point of my life, as NPCC has a huge impact on my life.So I actually ended up in NPCC and attended the trainings.
The tall guy I mentioned was Kelvin.At first he is only a In-Charged,subsequently he became the Sir...My squad have two In-Charged,one of them is kelvin the one I mentioned another one was Alif.Both of them taught us drills,campcraft and some lecturing......Kelvin was always the rather quiet one and he will be the one doingdemonstration,while Alif will be the one teaching.In sec 1, NPCC taught us of many values and increased the bonds of our squad and understand the importance of teamwork.

In secondary 2. there was a huge change in my life, be it in class or in NPCC. I attended many activites and courses held by NPCC, such as overseas trip, Adventure Training Camp and many courses such as CD and sana.They taught us a lot of knowledge and we obtain some badges for attending these courses.

oversea trip-
I had good attendance and this had allowed me to go overseas with my squadmates,seniors and Sirs. We went to the "more fun" part of A'Farmosa, which includes the cowboy town and some other places. I remember that we stayed overnight in a villa, and that villa is very big. Even though the trip is only 2 day 1 night ,we had much fun from the overseas trip.

ATC (adventure training camp)
People alway said that in NPCC the most lagi worst camp is ''ATC'' This is even reflected in camp songs...My school OC said that the camp is fun and really enjoyable that you will able to meet a lot of people from other school and u will be very sad at the last day of the camp.. this is one of the longest camp I've attended.This are the worst days....The sir down there are not very friendly....
When you go from one place to another ,you walk abit and they ROAR at you!!!!The worst part is that the food is bad as they are food rations,such as maggi mee,can foods and some salt.These food are so awful that after the 3 day camp I never dared to eat the canned pineapple again.....
Even though we experienced such thing..most importantly is that we learnt from the camp.
from the camp it taught us to bond with one another.we also have great teamwork!!!!!

Sec 3
Hahah finally we reached here!!!!!!!! We are the senior in the squad,people started to look up to us.We took charged in many thing,for example, sec 3s in-charged of the sec 1 and 2......I became very stressed....I was one of the in-charged...and I finally got to know and understand that to be a leader is not easy,because when you lead,you don't only lead yourself,you lead all the people who follows you ,so when you make mistake...all the people who follows you will suffer.Its not easy to be a leader.But everyone can be a leader. I got promoted to Staff Sergent,even more stressed as people will have a higher expectation of me.

Done By:Hong Wei

Y 1:13 AM

Done by: Si En

Friday, October 24, 2008 Y 10:04 PM

I have been a NPCC cadet for around 3 years. When I think back, I find time flies really fast. It only seem not too long ago, I was just a private NPCC cadet who do not know anything about NPCC and now I’m a SSGT who know more about NPCC. Through all this years, we cadets attended camps, trainings and courses conducted by the school and NPCC HQ. Nevertheless, we cadets of Queensway Secondary School do contribute to the society by doing some community work. This year, we cadets had done quite a few of community works. Example: visiting the senior citizens centre and done some area cleaning so that the senior citizens have a good and clean environment to spend their past time at. Some of us even serve the dessert to the senior citizens when it was their tea break. These were some photos of our service there.

In my entire secondary 3 life as a cadet, I had attended
- SANA course (sec 2)
-Civil Defence course (sec 2)
-Leadership & Mentoring course (sec 3)
-Police Knowledge course (sec 3)

All these courses are really very beneficial to us. We had really learned a lot and enjoy ourselves from each of the courses.

We also attended 2 major camps in our entire NPCC life as a cadet. One was the Adventure Training Camp for the secondary 2 cadets and the other was Survivor Camp for the secondary 3 cadets. Both camps were carried out at the Camp Resilience at Pulau Ubin. The camps were very exciting and it was a kind of camps to mould us into people who are willing to take new challenges.
For ATC, we cadets had gone through camp familiarization, orienteering around Pulau Ubin, Pioneering, Adventure Fortress and low-ropes obstacle course.
During my survivor camp, I also went through kayaking, Jetty jump, team building games and intermediate Challenge Course (ICC).
Truly speaking, I’m a girl who is afraid of height. Going through ICC, I was very afraid. My legs tremble when I going through it. Thanks to the support of my instructor and fellow peers, I was able to complete my entire ICC challenge. I really enjoyed both camps and love the campfire for both two years.

Soon I will be stepping down soon during 2009 April. I’m proud to be a NPCC cadet and the spirit of NPCC will never end in me even if I had step down.

Responsibility, Discipline, Initiative, Punctuality, Attitude and Commitment.

Tan Si En 24/10/2008

Y 12:28 PM

It been roughly 3 years since I first became an NPCC Cadet, and it has taught me a lot of life skills that is useful to me. NPCC like all Uniformed Groups have unique activities that most people would not be able to enjoy till they are much older in life. Who would thought of a 14 year old could build a shelter with just bamboo sticks, twine and poncho or who would imagine that a 14 year old could shoot a pistol – in Singapore of course.

It has been one long ride from a Sec 1 Cadet to a Sec 3 Cadet. When I first joined, things were quite new and there were sets and sets of rules and regulations to follow. We are not used to doing simple things like saying “Good Afternoon Sir or Ma’am” or saying “Room” when the Sir or Ma’am enters the room – between it sounded like Groom when we were first taught and we were like wondering what is Groom? Eventually we were used to doing all the things and we have also gotten used of the multiple scolding whenever things are not done properly or when we have made a mistake. Not long after we joined, our life would be evolved around the Dark Blue uniform, and we feel good wearing those uniforms. However things don’t look right at the start, some of us our uniformed is wrongly ironed, some of us did not know how to polish our boots and some of us did not seasoned the Beret properly. We screwed up our uniformed and the poor sirs and Ma’am have to explain everything to us again on how to do this and that. Eventually we more or less learn how to do things the proper way.

Doing Drills in Sec 1 i have to admit it, it is boring in a way. Our first drill was to stand at attention and stand at ease – serdia and senangdiri. We were like doing that for countless of times till we get it right, and its pure plain boredom doing it just to get that perfection of the bang – that’s right basic first! But soon we got that near solid bang and there we learn more drills that are fun and nice to do.

It has always been our joy to watch other people march in parades, but now we ourselves could take part in it. My first parade was on National Day when I was in Sec 2. When I first went for my first rehearsal, I was quite nervous, as I did not really know what would happen next. I admit I was complaining about the long hours of rehearsals that we have to do and also standing like a statue for I’m not sure how long, but it was like a killer to me. When the big day arrive, you can literally feel your heart pounding in excitement, at the same time you feel nervous as you hope that you would not screw up the whole parade. After the parade, you feel the sense of relief and an indescribable feeling.

One of the big things in Uniformed Groups is camp, and my first camp in NPCC was a cohesion camp. It allows us to bond together as a whole and we can learn a lot of teambuilding skills in camp. However our camps are not the type of leisure outing which u camp in the forest and do fly-fishing by the river. Our camps also requires us a lot of discipline and well responsibility – for your belongings! We have to rush for shower and finish our food all on time, and when time is not met, you get a scolding from your CIs and sirs and that dampened your mood. ATC is much worse, there are so many CIs around and when we do things wrongly, we get scolding from not one not two but many CIs. We thought of them like a time bomb or a volcano ready to explode at any given point of time, but who could blame them? They are there to get the camp going and without them, I think we would be a bunch of monkeys running around – Credit goes to them and those who have helped out considerably.

Eventually at the last day of the camp you are like ‘Yes! Last day of camp can go home and sleep’ and then there’s the debrief, where you had to write your reflection and give your feedback. One of the most indescribable irritating questions is, “Is the camp fun?” CIs, Sirs and all of us knew it, the answer is “Fun, fun, fun, oh the camp is fun!” then the sir goes “what is fun” and you are like “er… everything is fun, the games is fun and that is fun and this is fun…” Yeah right! Cadets are just so afraid to talk about the not so fun part and we will always find means and ways to end the debrief as quick as possible – you just have to admit it, even a CI who was once a cadet admit it. Come to think of it, the camp allows us to do things we probably won’t get to do in our lifetime. It helps us to get away from our comfort zone of life computer gaming and stuffs, and help us to experience new outdoor activities that could not be largely found in our small little country of ours.

Now as a Sec 3 cadet, we are like the seniors of the squad after the Sec 4 went through the pass out parade. We have to guide our juniors with our experiences and using the MOI. Sure it feels good leading, but now we have to learn how to control a squad, and learn the joy and pain of organising camps. Also you will get to experience a wee bit of what the CI does just to get things going, and the frustrations when the standards are not met.

Overall, NPCC can be fun, boring, frustrating or whatever you can think of, but it is the big word "Teamwork" and the "ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL” attitude, that really bond us together and make NPCC a whole lot interesting.
Guo Zhi Ping 24/10/2008

Monday, October 20, 2008 Y 2:28 PM

There was a NPCC cohesion camp which was held from 10-11 October 2008. The main activities was a trip to the museum( for sec 1 and 3 cadets) on the first day and a CIP on the second day.

First day
We all fall in, and placed our things into a classroom before going to the museum. At the museum, we were given a ticket. We then headed into the Singapore History gallery. It displays the history of Singapore from modern times downwards to 14th century Temasek at the bottom of the structure of the gallery. Before going in, we had to line up and were given a portable hand-held machine, named "Companion". It was like a tour guide in the gallery, and all we had to do was to press the number buttons on the companion (the number were shown in parts of the gallery). By doing so, the "tour guide" in the companion can explain the history and informations of the exhibits shown in the gallery with details. It was quite a nice machine, just that it was a bit bulky.
The Companion

One of the exhibits in the gallery was the famous Singapore Stone . The stone was originally part of a giant boulder, and had inscriptions on it, which until now no one could decipher. The boulder once stood at the mouth of the Singapore River, but was blasted by the British. This Singapore Stone is the only surviving fragment of it, and has a long history behind it. But there was one thing in certain. There was civilisation in Singapore before Sir Stamford Raffles came.

The Singapore Stone.

After the trip to the History gallery, my squadmate and I decided to tour around the whole museum, since there was much time left and had nothing to do. We decided to head into the Living Galleries. It consists of 4 main galleries, namely " Fashion, Food, Photography and Film and Wayang".

The fashion living gallery-
This gallery features the clothes worn by women from the 1950s-1970s. There was also a special section, which had a large display of the different fabrics. We were allowed to touch and feel them. There was also a section which had the many different (but all old) sewing machines, which very few have them now. They were all old but was well preserved, and many old aunties should recognise them.

The Fashion Living Gallery.

Food Living Gallery
After this, we went to the Food Living Gallery, which showcase some of the traditional equipment used by the street hawkers from the 1950s to 1970s, as well as old soft drink bottles. One of the exhibits was the traditional ice-shaving machine( more commonly known as the ice kachang machine). This was a machine used by traditional ice kachang seller to shave ice to make ice kachang for his customer.

The Food Living Gallery.

Photography Living Gallery
The next stop was the Photography Living Gallery. It showcase some of old photographs, cameras and marriage certificate. The old cameras were HUGE, while one was very small, and had gears in it.

One of the old cameras.

Film and Wayang Living Gallery
This is my favourite gallery out of the 4 . By the time we got into the gallery, an old horror movie was being shown. The whole movie was in black and white, meaning that it was quite old. One funny thing about the movie was that it isn't scary at all, maybe due to the time differences between the present and the time the movie was made. One of the machine behind the screens was the old GIGANTIC movie player.

( Sorry but no photo of the Film and Wayang Living Gallery is available)

After the trip to the museum, we had some free time because dinner starts an hour later. During the free time, there were no activities. It was " free and easy". I only had an oreo for dinner, as I wasn't feeling quite well. After dinner, it was games. They played captain ball and soccer, while I just sat around listening to my mp3(again due to me not feeling well).

Just as I was feeling better, they started playing hide and seek(not successful,and I'm going to say the reasons later). I joined in, and being the only sec3 cadet, I was the team leader. Our team was supposed to hide, and the sec1 girls in my team quickly rushed to the classroom. When we were hiding, it was god damned bloody hot. But, after a few minutes, my squadmate sms-ed me to get back to hall. I had bad vibes about this.
They cancelled the game because many of the girls said that they saw a gho*t in a toilet. Just as I heard that, I felt excited, because I'm interested in such stuff. There had been many stories of it in our school,but this one was the first of its kind. Some of my squadmates and I decided to visit those "haunted places" in our school, but didn't eventually.

During the late night, my squadmate (zhiping) and I started to play chinese chess. Each round was about 1hour due to us being tired and some more reasons. In the end, many of the sec3 didn't sleep. Some of them were chatting with the Sirs, and some just sitting around in the classroom listening to the music.

Second day
As usual in this camp, we slacked. But there was one activity which we could not slack- Community Involvement Program (aka CIP). We were to go around some blocks collecting some newspaper for certain charity organisations. It was tiring, but in the end, we all found it fruitful. Our group ( Jet and my group) collected so much newspaper that even though it was just a short walk from the grouping place, we had to use the trolley. Luckily, some kind aunty gave us a bag in which we could put the newspaper in. We unloaded the newspapers in the grouping place and had some cold drink. It WAS VERY NICE. Under a hot Sun doing such job and after which free drink was given is almost heavenly. This was how the camp ended. This was one of the slackiest camp ( most probably because it was to help us de-stress) which I enjoyed very much.

Chia Wen Cong 19/10/2008


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National Police Cadet Corps
Teacher In Charge:

Cadet Inspectors:

More about us

Our NPCC unit is currently run with the support of 2 Cadet Inspectors, Shoorya Prakash and Tiv Samnang. Both of them have played vital roles in the training and development of cadets in QSS and in Area 15.

Last year we also achieved the coveted Gold Award for the Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA). To develop leadership qualities, desirable values and attitudes, our cadets were involved in many different HQ activities and camps. Selected cadets also represented the school at the NPCC Day Parade, Singapore Youth Festival and National Day Parade.

Our Cadets also attended various camps conducted by the school and the NPCC HQ during the March and June holidays. They honed their leadership skills and also learned to work better as a team and collectively as a Unit. This was an opportunity for our cadets to mix with their peers from other schools. Through this, they were able to pick up new ideas and foster friendships with other NPCC units within the area. To further build a stronger bond among the cadets, 46 NPCC cadets and 5 teachers had their 2D1N team building programme in Afamosa, West Malaysia.

Our NPCC unit will continue to strive hard for better results and in the process nurture our cadets to be caring and responsible citizens.


No training until further notice

Talk & Shoot


NPCC Song -


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