Monday, November 17, 2008 Y 10:28 PM
hi to all.
it was really motivating to me, when i know that you guys put in the efforts to do up this blog.
just wanna t share some quotes with you guys.
years wrinkle the skin;
but to give up
enthusiasm wrinkle up the soul.
keep that fire in U burning.
something for sec 3 CLs.
can someone collate your all emails and send it to me in excel file?
individual ICs for each squads,
please do the same as well.
huiping. (:
stay "young"
*oh the moonlight bay sounded abit funny huh. hahah.
Friday, November 7, 2008 Y 8:03 PM
I decided to join NPCC when i was in Sec 1, actually it was not my idea at first as my parents forced me to join.After i joined NPCC, i gradually came to like it and enjoyed the activities we do in NPCC such as Drills, Campcraft, etc. At Sec 1, there wasn't much interesting activities to do in NPCC but except practicing drills and camps which i would consider this 'phase' very boring.I am so happy, i got my very first rank... Lance Corporal...!!
However, things take a different turn at Sec 2 in NPCC. At Sec 2, we get to do more exciting stuffs such as shooting, joining Adventure Camps(tougher than normal camps but more fun)which is only once a year for Sec2 and Sec3. There was also the Educational trips organised by our Officers, we went for AFormosa in Malacca.We also went for the courses during June holidays such as CD courses and SANA courses which was actually quite interesting and fun for us. I finally got my Corporal rank after much waiting... sigh... at least come late better than never... right?
Things started to get more and more challenging and at the same time more and more fun in Sec 3.At Sec3, we get to organise the first cohesion camp for that year but i have to admit, it is not as good as the one organised by our seniors... but at least we did our best and we manage to learn our lessons from that experience.We also get to go for the 2nd Adventure camp known as the Survival Camp in Sec3, which was very fun and interesting compared to the one we had at Sec2.There we get to do the FlyingFox , Jetty Jump( which i enjoyed alot and i even went for the 2nd and 3rd round...!), etc. Although though we had lot of fun inNPCC at Sec3, our responsibility grew larger as we became the Cadet Leaders in Sec3. We got our Sergeant rank at the start of Sec3 NPCC...yeah...!!! And finally some of us which included me got the Staff Sergeant rank in the late July of year 2008, dreams come true at last... NPCC had trained us all as young adults with great responsibility and discipline so we should do something in return for it.Even though the Sec 3s are going to step down next year, i believe we can do our best to serve NPCC in the remaining days of our stay in NPCC.
Kim Hong
Monday, November 3, 2008 Y 9:28 PM
This post is about what i have learn through out my secondary school life in NPCC.
NPCC was the CCA that i had choosen in Sec 1. I decided to have NPCC as my only CCA through out my secondary school life. Npcc was the one that make me learn alot of values through out the activities that i had, example having campcraft, drills, camps planning.
Having camps build up our bonding among each other, getting to know each other well and live together. Campcraft had also build up our team work, coorperation when we meet some difficulties.
Npcc is a multi-racial CCA and we are able to develope racial harmony in queensway NPCC.
Racial harmony was one of the important keys to success in NPCC as 1 cadets alone was not as strong as a group of cadets. I am able to applied the values of what i have learn in NPCC when i am out in the sociaty. NPCC had turn me into a much more responsible and descipline young adult through out the years.
I am glad that majority of us had done our part to make NPCC a successful CCA.
Done by: Jun Sheng
Y 12:44 AM
The day that were hopping is here, 10 october where our second cohesion camp was held. Me and my squad fall in at the parade square with the sec 1s , the IC who is me took their attendance and count the total strength of the squad. After a while, we hurried excitedly up the bus and headed to the National Museum for our Police Heritage Proficiency Badge.
On the way to the museum we were all laughing and giggling and talking among ourselves. When we reach the museum we were ask to fall in at the museum bus bay and waited for our turn to enter the museum. We were instructed by the CI that we must behave ourselves inside the museum and always minimize our noise level.
When we were inside the museum, the staff gave us a electronic device named "The Companion". It is a device which no need a demonstrator to follow you around. With this "Companion" you can just listen to the device to tell you about the history of Singapore.
Inside there was a very historical thing that was nostalgic. It's the olden days "funeral". In those days funerals were very grand, I can say this because their funeral is very expensive and they told everyone around the village to let the other neighbours see. And so I found it very interesting.
Next we went to the fashion gallery to see those olden days clothes that they wore and how they were made.
After that, we fall in again in the same place and headed back to school again...
Hope you like my posting,
Y 12:06 AM
All of us fall in and get ready to go to the museum in order to obtain the heritage badge.
It is a nice place where by Singapore govt have put in alot effort,time n money to upgrade the facilities there.All of the facilities down there were quite new.''The Companion'' is being introduced[it shd be rather costly lar] Every people who walk into the museum gallery will get to hold on this companion,it actually act as a talking textbook.The pros of this gadgets is tat it will impress tourist and able to tell people tat the museum is being see the effort lah...Cons is tat it is not a palm size gadget like a moblie phone,but a big gadget tat u will need to sling it,it also have wired earphone,so people will need to listen thru the earphone,it get tangled very easily as the user is walking abt in the gallery.
One of the exhibits in the gallery was the famous Singapore Stone, i find it rather fake lar. The stone was originally part of a giant boulder, and had inscriptions on it, which until now no one could decipher. The boulder once stood at the mouth of the Singapore River, but was blasted by the British...... This Singapore Stone is the
only surviving fragment of it,so its rather not possible for it to put in the museum in such a way tat anyone can touch it even thought tat there is a ''NO TOUCHING'' sign down there..As if the sign works. It also has a long history behind it. But there was one thing in certain. There was civilization in Singapore before Stamford Raffles came and founded Singapore.
After this, we went to the Food Living Gallery, which exhibit some of the traditional equipment used by the street hawkers from the 1950s to 1970s, as well as old soft drink bottles.So memorable.When i step in i smell food immediately!!!!... lol food gallery shd have food smell lor...I smell the smell is like ''Ham chi pang''[咸煎饼]..there are alot old stalll down there.Got the nasi lemak stall ang alot other hawker stall in 1950s as it will not be possible to see this scene in Singapore anymore...SOB...
Done by: Hong Wei
Sunday, November 2, 2008 Y 11:02 PM
10th Oct 2008 was the day where during our cohesion camp, we visited the singapore national museum.
Our first museum tour was the history gallery, to be frank i was not so excited as i've seen most of the heritage gallery. nevertheless we went in and explore, with this device strap around our neck - our computer tour guide. As i went in i dint bother much about the front part of the heritage gallery as ive seen it before. I went to the other parts of the heritage gallery which i dint manage to cover.
After touring that area, i and a group of friends leave the gallery early, so we were given permission to enter the other parts of the museum. One of the parts that i went in to was the fashion gallery. It was quite amazing to see the fashiong 50 years ago everything was totally different from what we wear today. There is one part in the gallery where they talk about singapore bands gaining fame and constantly going out to countries like malaysia to perform. last time in singapore the bands that were the best is said to be the band that can mimic artist from the west like elvis presley etc. as (if im not wrong) bands from the west hardly came to singapore and perform.
The songs being made 40 to 50 years ago is also quite, not bad, but it is abit slow compared to our modern rock or pop songs. one of the song was made by a band called The Quest and their songs was quite nice. I remembering watching a tv show about this band, it said that this band was first started out by this two guy from queenstown secondary school. soon one way or another more people came in to form a band. But this band started out with no money to buy the instruments, and they keep borrowing instruments and practise to fufil their dream and well they did manage to achieve it. But someway or another (i cant remember what they said) our music industry died down thus there was a peroid of time where there wasnt much people into bands.
Anyway all in all it the visit to the museum was interesting and thanks to this second visit, i managed to sort of complete the tour in the history gallery.
Y 7:06 PM
One of the highlights of the cohesion camp held from 10-11 October is the trip to the National Museum of Singapore, located along Stamford Road. The group consists of sec 1s and sec 3s, accompanied by our teacher Mr Leong.
Excited chatters filled the entire bus as the lot of garbled on and on to pass time spent reaching the the NSM.
Time seems to come to a standstill, but, we finally REACHED! :D
We were amazed and overwhelmed by the wonderful and unique architecture and design of the museum building. The objective of the trip is to allow cadets to better understand the history of Singapore from settlements to nation-present.
Equipped with high tech headgear, we entered the "Glass Rotunda" which allows us to gain entry into the Singapore Heritage Gallery. There is no deny to the improvement of technology as the headgear provided provided us the information of each station in the gallery, practically, a WALKING TOURGUIDE! :D
Separated into different groups, we explored the various stations starting from the period of pre-1819 (founding of Singapore) to 1971.
I learnt the beginnings of Singapore as an ancient settlements in the 1300s and goes on exploring and tracing the coming of the British and understanding how our pioneering immigrant forefathers came here to build a town and port. It also traces the growth of Singapore and how events that happened outside the country has affected the island. One of the most important event that had happened is the Japanese Occupation, for which many life of our forefathers are affected.
I understood the determination of the people in struggling against all odds toward achieving independence and striving a nation :) Important characters such as Sir Stamford Raffles, William Farquar, Elizabeth Choy, David Marshall and Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
This trip is truly an unforgettable one, one that one should never miss, where it allows cadets to view various historical sources and evidences thus understand more about our
Remember, history is alive, exciting and interesting, it traces back to what our forefathers had come so far, to become what we are today!
"One people, One nation, One Singapore!"
Signing off
Mei Ling! :D
Labels: nsm
Y 4:19 PM
The trip to the National Museum was where Secondary 3 Npcc cadets went during the camp on 10th October.Upon reaching there,I was greeted by a cooling air-conditioned museum with a beautiful structure,not forgetting the great artefacts it had and the video clips and anecdotes of what Singapore had went through.It also tells me about the steps Singapore had taken to the present today.It was definitely a great experience.Well,it was also my first encounter in a museum with a efficient gadget,which I thought was creative, that could aid and accompany me during my time in the museum.It was like a 'real' tour guide,with its verbal and written explanations which could satisfy and sustain my curiousity and definitely an answer key for the questions that visitors were dying to ask.This trip had definitely benefited me as it brought insights into the history of Singapore from the rules of the various rulers till the age we are living in right now.Standing in Singapore since 1849,the National Museum has a proud collections of 11 artefacts like he Singapore stone,Gold Ornaments from East Java's Sacred Hill,Frank Athelstane Swettenham,the coffin of Tan Jiak Kim and Munshi Abdullah's Will presently.Regrets was definitely not what I felt about the trip as I had really learnt a lot from the trip.It was truly an eye-opening experience for me.
Kimberly Lim
Saturday, November 1, 2008 Y 8:26 PM
The sec 3 npcc cadets went for the museum trip during the cohesion camp held at our school on 10th of october 2008.It was a very nice experience for us, especially to me as it was my first time to the museum.
When we reached our destination, we were each given a "Companion"( a device which will guide us through the museum) to be kept along with us when we enter the museum.I saw a lot of artifacts which each of them tell us about the stories of Singapore from the time it was founded by Sir Raffles to becoming a straits settlement, from becoming the"Invincible fortress" to being defeated by the Japanese during the World War 2.I learned how harsh life was in the past, many men especially the chinese, were addicted to opium which they saw as their ways of release from the harsh lifes and starvation.It was a hard time for the rickshaw pullers as they worked very hard day and night, but what they earned is not enough to even feed themselves.During the World War 2, after Singapore has fallen to Japan, life was even harder for the people living there as the japanese soldiers uses means of torture to get rid of their enemies.However , it was their perseverance that pulled them through.
After Singapore had gained independence, the country struggled to survive on its own and tried to built its own defences.Even though Singapore merged with Malaysia, the relationship between them begun to sour and they finally fell out, resulting in Singapore out of Malaysia. It was their perseverance that Singapore is able to survive until today.
I learned from the trip that i should persevere through whatever things i do in life and that i must not give up hope.
Kim Hong