Saturday, February 27, 2010 Y 9:41 PM
Hey peeps! The campcraft competition had just ended! and let's clap for the guys team and gals team man!

The campcraft competition was held at Pierce Secondary School.

We had the Lot 1 slot for the competition ! Lucky Number One! Hopefully we are lucky enough bah... hahahaha....

This is our Girl's team! The Power Ones....

Fazlina in action! haha...

The few girl's building shelter! haha...

Baiti ! The power pegger! hahaha... But sadly, she felt nervous and accidentally whack her own finger with the Peg! Then we got Kulvin! to take over her. Hopefully she will recover soon!

After a short while, the gadget was up the first! Well done girls!

Shelter UP! Inspection in progress! hahaha

Flagstaff up! Though the girls had trouble tightening the loops, but finally the flagstaff was wonderfully UP! Great JOB! :D

Shelter by Riverside Secondary School! Their shelter was so nice! Hopefully our unit can create this kind of attractive shelter!
People! Let's pray hard for the Guys and Gals team to get at least into TOP HUNDRED!
That's all folks. Stay tune for some of their reflection on the competition :D