Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Y 10:10 AM
On the 15th March 2010, the Sec4s went for their last official event,High Rope Challenge(HRC) as a whole together with the other schools in area 15.
We took the bum boat to Pulau Ubin.

Group Picure! At the first element!

The 6 logs that we have to climb was our first station.
While waiting for the NanYang girls to finish their elements, we took a few group picture with Ms Co.

With Ms Co!

YiWei & Prakash!

Kelvin & Prakash!

After our first element, we proceed on to FLYING FOX!

Yi wei & Rahman!

Prakash & Wai Kit!
After that, we had our lunch back at the foyer and proceed on to the other Elements.
Around 5pm, We gathered back at the foyer and had our de-brief

Last group picture before we left the place.
That's all folks :D
Stay tune for more!