Friday, December 10, 2010 Y 10:52 AM
From :Regina
I like the place where we were looking how pineapple were planted
And also get to enjoy to watch how they crack a coconut .
The food we ate for lunch and dinner for both days is
Somehow, spicy that one of my friend cannot eat too much of it .
I think that the trip should be longer so that we can
Have more fun, learn more things and get to interact with
Our seniors.
From :Kenneth
During this Melaka trip, I have learnt that farmers have a hard time earning money .They have to use a stick with a knife tip to cut
the oil palm fruits down .For the pineapples they have to use a stick to punch a hole and then implant the suckers in .I saw the making of “Gula Melaka” and learnt that to make it you have to sacrifice, which is you want the sap then have to sacrifice the fruit. i visited the orphanage and learnt that life is tough in there. There is no air-condition in there and there have to house choirs unlike me. I have learnt to treasure what I have. I also learnt of the temple rules and what rare the important gods. Overall I have enjoyed the trip.
From:Kin Seong
The Melaka trip was very fun as it was a chance for us cadets to get along and forge better relationship with one another. Other than being fun, it is interesting as we get to know how certain stuff is made. If given another chance, I would want to go again.
From :Chen Liang
From the starting to the end, things went smoothly as it seems although there were a bit of confusion here and there during times. Although that has happened, people were still orderly and did not push/shove/shout to get what they need/want. People were cooperative and did tasks accordingly. The tour guide(s) had motherly figures which were happy to help, friendly, and gave detailed explanations about sightseeing points, gave info about GK of Malaysia and did what they had to do till the end. Everyone, not excluding the driver, did a good job on making the whole trip go well. Without everyone being vigilant, things could have gone wrong, e.g.: person missing, keys lost, wrong passport.
Things that could have been improved on were most probably the length of the trip. If the trip was longer, it would have been a better chance of bonding, communicating as well as be educated more about Malaysia/places that we visit.
I would like to thank everyone that has made this trip possible and smooth, especially to the Officers and the sec 4 peers.
From :Vince
I find that the Malacca trip is interesting and enjoyable. What I find the best and the most interesting is visiting the Malacca Cultural and Heritage Tour. Visiting the cultural areas makes me understand more of these historical places.The foods is very tasty as well. I very enjoyed the peranakan food the most. I hoped for more time for the stay in Mahkota Hotel and increase the duration for the shopping hours. I also hope for more toilet breaks during this long hours of staying in the bus while heading to and from Malacca.
From :Muhd Irfan Mohd Hutta
I felt that the trip was fun and very interesting. It was the first time that I had seen a pineapple plantation, palm plantation, and a coffee bean plantation. I had learnt how ‘Gula Melaka’ was created. It was created from the flower of the coconut plant. Each day, they will tie one-third of the flower. The next day, they will squeeze the part that was that tied up. A brownish liquid will emerge. They will then collect a certain amount of the liquid and heat it up. While it is heating, they will add a bit of sugar these will make the liquid thick and sweet. Once it is hot enough, they will pour the mixture into cylinders to cool down. The end product would be a shape of the cylinder. These would be easy for them to arrange it in a box. They would then distribute these boxes to be sold.During this trip I had also learnt what the lifestyle of an orphan was, what kind of difficulties they had, and how they ended up at the orphanage. I realised that some of the orphans was there mostly due to financial difficulty. This was also the first time that I had been to an orphanage.
This trip has taught that some people are not as fortunate as us. I am glad that I am very fortunate to live a good life and without difficulties like the orphans. This trip also taught me that with hard work comes with great rewards.
From :Isaac
The trip was fascinating. I have learnt a lot of things about Malacca and a bit of Malaysia. I liked the night the most as we got to do our own stuff with no disturbance. I also got to sleep very early in the morning. I hope the next time I go on a trip, we will spend more time on foot and learning more instead of staying on the bus for such a long time. But anyway, I still had lots of fun. The lunches and dinners were also very great. I ate to my fill every time. The time when we went to the shopping mall was marvelous. I hope that there will be more time for shopping and learning.
From :Wai Kin Tham
Since this is my first NPCC oversee trip, i don't really know what to expect. The trip turned out great, very fun. 1st day we went to the orphanage. The orphans were shy. But they were rather welcoming. We didn't get to spend alot of time with them though. I myself never even talk to one of them. Then came lunch. One of the best lunches ever. 4 sec 2 and 4 sec 3 = laugh nonstop. Couldn’t eat. HAHAHAHA. After the we visited the different farms. There was a alot of difference between my living lifestyle and the kampng style. The houses were made of wood and wood only. The children there had they're own games like tops and the yellow thingy(duno wat its called). Dinner next. Laughed non stop as well. After all this came the shopping. IT WAS BORING!!! i mean, besides the archery thingy, the mall was very quiet. Me and my sec2 friends shopped together. We bough chips and drinks to consume in the hotel. After that we checked into the hotel. Hotel was awesome. Own bed. Sweet! Then we partied all nite. Slept at 4. Room was very cold. Next day breakfast is amazing. Very full. Then theres the heritage tour. Sun was very hot. but the tour was good. I learned alot of stuff. Next lunch. As usual i laughed nonstop. Then we finally head home.
The guide was very experienced(thumbs up for the tour guide). She was very familiar with what shes doing.
Trip was short and sweet.
Interesting trip, learned alot.
Places for improvement:
LONGER TRIP!!! best 3day 2nite :D
More of such trip. every holiday should have 1 :D
From :Jessica
After this 2day 1 night of Malacca trip, not only that I have enjoyed the trip, I have also learnt alot of thing.
I have learn how coffee beans were made and how Gula Melaka were made. We have also went to the Christ church.
I like about the coffee bean making because I have try the taste of the coffee i love the aroma of the coffee and I have bought the
coffee powder too..I hope there will be more trip like this to let us learn. we also been to the orphanage there are only 15 children staying there
most of them were abuse child..aft knowing that i felt a little sad. Of course i also enjoy the shopping in the night at pahlawa shopping mall and bought lots of stuff.
From :Song Tao
Cuz we laughed the most during those periods.
I think it will be better if we did not rush in between the itinerary too quickly. We don't get to soak everything in.
From : Farid
I liked trip and I think children at the Agape Shelter Orphanage were cute. I had fun in the trip especially the shopping part and being in the hotel.
Si Min
I think this trip is quite meaningful because we can associate and mingled with the orphans and there are some chances for us to understand those pitiful children more, by giving them hope & love. While I believe there are more similar kind of places outside so i hope we can try going to these orphanage homes / old folks homes.
I think this trip can be improve on the places we go , because some of the places we visited during this trip were already visited during last trip, so I hope we can try visiting other new and historical places to expand our knowledge. We can try going to the orphanage homes to do some CIP such as cleaning or playing games with them =).
From :Chester Teo
1. Q: How i think about the trip?
A: The trip is fun and enjoying.
2. Q: What i like about the trip?
A: Visiting of the Orphanage because it's good to see them happy and looked so positive. I also felt sad for them because all of them are so young and already have no parents. Live entertainment at a local Portuguese restaurant and shopping.
3. Q: What have i learned?
A: Cosmetics, perfume, cooking oil are made from the oil palm and how they are harvested. Oil palm are also good for making profit. How the coffee powders are made. How the pineapples are planted.
4. Q: What can be improved?
A: Everything is almost perfect...
From :Win
I think the trip
to malacaa is fun and enjoyable but im thinking
that we can tour around more places in
malacca it will be better...
as for the food maybe there should not be so spicy
because some of the cadets can't eat spicy dishes...
and if the trip could be longer it will be
better so that we can know more and
our seniors and juniors.And i have learnt many things about coffee,
pineapple and brown suger.
From:Celine Tan
I feel that this 2 day 1 night trip at Malacca was quite fun. I like the place when we were looking at how coffee beans were made and also get to learnt how to fold the ketupat. I think that the trip should be longer so that we can have more fun and get to interact more with our seniors. I don't like the food because is spicy!
From :Zafran
My Reflection
29 & 30 November 2010 were the days that I would always remember. My school’s NPCC unit went to Malacca for an educational overseas trip. I love the food that we ate during the meals. We ate organic food, Portuguese food & Peranakan food. The food was scrumptious. I also remember we had a mini-party when we reached the hotel. It was fun. We played different types of games with poker cards. I ate pizza, chips, French fries & drank all kinds of drinks. As I played, I also tried to bond with the seniors and interact with them better. I felt touched when I heard the stories of the orphans in the orphanage house. We entertained them with cheers and games .They had an enjoyable time with us. All in all, I had an enjoyable time.
From :R.Vignesh Kumar
Here it goes:
The trip was very enjoyable as it was a chance where we NCOs were able to teach or pass down our knowledge to our juniors. The trip was more or less like a educational as we visited historical places. But on the other hand we had alot of fun during the night time as we all played some card games and talked alot of rubbish(ABT ICE CREAM GIRL). Therefore we didn't get to sleep that long but we managed to catch some sleep on the bus. The trip to the orphanage home was unforgettable too, as those orphans sang and laugh and danced with us and mingled with us. The visit to the pineapple plantation &the oil plantatino was great indeed. We get to know how painstaking it is. The trip was short from my point of view. It should be 3 days 2 night. The reason is bus ride took almost half of our trip.