Saturday, November 12, 2011 Y 3:29 PM
NPCC Annual Parade 2011
NPCC celebrating 52 Years of moulding the builders of a safe and secure home.
Our Secondary 2 cadets seated to watch the parade.
Supporting contingents and Guard-of-Honour contingent marching in to take their positions.
Inspection of parade by Reviewing Officer, Mr Michael Palmer, Chairman NPCC Council, MP for Paris Ris - Punggol GRC.
Mr Terence Leong receiving the Gold Award for Queensway Secondary School.
Its our fourth consecutive Gold Award. Yippy!!! Congratulations to all. :))))
Let's continue to work hard for the coming year. Go! Go! Go! Go for Gold!!!
At the end of the Parade segment, we are happy to pose with our Gold Award.
Can you spot our school flag bearer?? Staff Sergeant Raj Mohammed from Class 411.
More photo-taking during the dinner reception.
A big THANK YOU to the parents and other cadets who came to support Queensway!
We love you!
Ho Hui Ping, our former Cadet Inspector, is the NPCC flag-bearer.
We are proud of you. Well done Hui Ping!!
Queensway contingent takes a photograph with the Hui Ping. Say cheese...
Win, Regina, Ching Wei, Zafran, Zi Shen and Wai Kit were all part of the Guard of Honour Contingent.
Queensway NPCC contingent posing with Mr Michael Palmer during the reception. Yeah!
Presenting the Gold Award to our Principal
Back in school, the next day, Staff Sergeant Vignesh represented our Principal, Mr Lui,
with the Gold Award during the morning assembly.